Thursday, 6 August 2009

First thoughts

Sandwiched between the Radars of Portsdown and the residential houses of Paulsgrove the white of the chalk cuts through a thin blanket of green on the surface.

The view from Safe Nafe’s garden on Rockrose Way is a wall of chalk rising into the sky, seen from another angle in Kris Kerkhofs depiction of the ‘White cliffs of Portsmouth.’ Looking closely there is a white van turning up Lime Grove, resisting the draw of a walk on the dusty path, and two figures on the edge of the green, at first glance people, taking the dog for a walk or just enjoying a stroll on a late summers afternoon, but on closer inspection they look like some kind of inanimate objects, a bin or a sign, the resolution isn’t good enough for me to tell.
My understanding of this place is courtesy of Google earth and occasional journeys down the M27. I can see a landscape built from removal, abandonment, growth, re-colonisation and new life. The wind, the butterflies and the smell of the sea.

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