Thursday, 20 August 2009

At the Chalk Pit. 16 August 2009

I decided not to set up my workstation today and spend the day walking around the Chalk pit, observing, occasionally chatting, planning and getting ideas together.

The first thing I did in the morning was go into the caves, understandably one of the most exciting aspects of the site for youngsters and adults alike. In a world of increasing concerns over health and safety, or more to the point, concerns over litigation due to perceived inadequate attention to health and safety, it is liberating to explore somewhere that is out of bounds, but accessible.

Everyone I spoke to that grew up around the Chalk pit has been in the caves. It seems like a kind of rite of passage if you grow up in Paulsgrove. The myth and the history of the place entwine making this a really exciting place to visit, especially on you own.

I scrambled up and went into the tunnel. It was bright outside but as soon as you get inside and go to turn around the corner it is pitch black. I didn’t have a torch so used my camera flash to navigate through the space, looking at the photo as I went so as not to trip over. The images here are a navigational aid rather than a documentation of the space.

The rest of the day was spent walking around, looking for clearings and dens, blackberry bushes, apple trees and the one elusive pair tree. Sitting in the far west of the site up the top of the hill listening, watching and drawing.

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